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de Quincey Wills & Probate
The wills on this page are available from the Northamptonshire Records Office
Katherine Quincey 1526 1/045370
Walter Quincey 1616 Lilford box 9 174 1/045371
Edmund Quincey 1627 Lilford boxC 138 1/054362
Thomas Quincey Sudborough box 11 173 1/054369
John Quincey 1682 Achurch box Y 98 1/054365
William Quincey 1686 Wigsthorpe box R 368 1/054372
Edward Quincey 1703 Kings Cliff box U 192 1/054363
Elizabeth Quincey 1709 Kings Cliff box X 201 1/054364
Thomas Quincey 1716 Thorpe Achurch box 10 3030 1/054370
Edward Quincey 1759 Lutton 04 Jun 3/000098
Elizabeth Quincey 1764 Glinton 03 Mar 3/000425
Josiah Quincey 1756 Achurch 10 Jan 2/000472
Thomas Quincey 1757 Southwick 21 May 2/000568
Samual Quincey 1782 Geddington 11 Feb 3/001712
Thomas Quincey 1777 Titchmarsh 12 Dec 3/001374
Thomas Quincey 1808 Northboro 02 Apr 3/003242
Josiah Quincey 1840 Titchmarsh 24 Nov/ 544 3/005074
Elizabeth Quincy 1675 Wigsthorpe Q99 1/045375
John Quincy 1722 Oundle 02 Oct 1/045376
Joseph Quincy 1724 Achurch 3 Oct 1/045377
Mary Quincy 1740 Oundle 08 Mar 1/045378
Thomas Quincy 1723 Southwick 30 Apr 1/045379
Griffin Quinsey 1637 Wigsthorpe L87 1/045390
" " " " 12 277 1/045391
John Quinsey 1637 " L77 1/045392
" " " " 12 290 1/045393
Robert Quinsey 1639 " F 192 1/045394
" " " " 1/045395
Thomas Quinsey 1640 " F192 1/045396
" " " " 1/045397
John Quincey 1651 Wigsthorpe pro 11/219 727/1203
National Archives Kew
Andrian Quincy 1697 Barnwell pro 5/5018